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The canopy


The canopy

Ideal to brighten up a room, the canopy is very trendy these days. Indeed, it offers a feeling of space and allows light to enter the room, which brings out the colour of the walls and enhances the decoration. Often used to separate two rooms as in a loft, it can also be used to replace a door, a window or as a conservatory. Several materials can be used, the canopies are most often made of steel, aluminium or wood. This trend can therefore be adapted to your desires and is suitable for all styles.

Not to mention the style of artist's studios, it gives character to your interior with an industrial, chic and design touch. I particularly appreciate the canopy space of the hotel Le Walt where I like to sit with a coffee to read and enjoy this peaceful space with a view on the terrace. A real haven of peace in the heart of Paris!

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