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Mlle Inwood

A drawing internship at the Louvres


A drawing internship at the Louvres

The desire to learn

I've always wanted to learn how to draw. During my free time, I like to try to reproduce drawings or objects. But, I realized that I was lacking some basics to be able to make the drawings I imagine.

Have you always dreamed of learning to draw too? Or would you like to improve your drawing skills? I found the most magical solution: a drawing workshop at the Louvres! Indeed, I have discovered, a while ago, a platform of artistic courses that offers drawing courses in the mythical Louvres museum.

An extraordinary artistic experience

There are internships of all durations on different platforms. The one I prefer is a 5-day course open to all levels. Indeed, with a very active professional and personal life, this intensive course seemed to me the right solution.

During this training course, the teacher will take you through several rooms of the famous museum in order to approach different themes. The course takes place in small groups where the teacher has time to guide and help you according to your objectives and level. This experience is not only an apprenticeship for drawing, but also a deep discovery of the patrimony and art. This is magic!

"Love, Art and Training"

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